Thursday, May 14, 2020

Marc Mark Answer Your Career Pivot Questions [Podcast] - Career Pivot

Marc Mark Answer Your Career Pivot Questions [Podcast] - Career Pivot Episode 81 â€" Marc welcomes Mark Anthony Dyson of The Voice of Job Seekers podcast to help answer job search questions from listeners in the 2nd half of life. Description: In this episode Marc and Mark address questions about pivoting from installer to instructor, re-entering the workforce as a trainer after years of raising a family, and transitioning from IT consultant to full-time CIO. Key Takeaways: [1:01] Marc welcomes you to Episode 81 of the Repurpose Your Career podcast and invites you to share this podcast with like-minded souls. Please subscribe, share it on social media, write an honest iTunes review, or tell your neighbors and colleagues. [1:34] Next week’s show Marc interviews Marti Konstant, author of Activate Your Agile Career: How Responding to Change Will Inspire Your Life’s Work. Marti is a workplace futurist with an agile mindset. She is a career growth analyst, author, speaker, and Founder of the Agile Careerist Project. [1:57] Marti has been an artist, designer, brand developer, entrepreneur, technology marketing executive, investor, and a 2nd half of life career pivoter. [2:11] This week is the QA episode, with Mark Anthony Dyson of The Voice of Job Seekers podcast. Marc welcomes Mark to help answer listener questions. Download Link |iTunes|Stitcher Radio|Google Podcast|Podbean|TuneIn|Overcast [2:51] Q1: I am a 61-year-old floor installer. The products change every year the installation is different. I come up with ways to install each product as it comes out. Because of the weight I cannot physically keep this up. What can I do? [3:30] A1: Flooring installation is easier for a younger person than a 60-year-old. Marc suggests doing YouTube videos. Marc found some DIY floor installing videos with a million views. The installer could have someone record the installation on an iPhone. Mark wonders if he needs immediate cash flow because video is a long path to income. [7:32] Mark suggests podcasts, consulting, and training. He could be a source of referrals to other installers for a fee. He could teach installers at retailers like Home Depot. The main thing is to get out of the physical aspect of the installation. SCORE is a source of new business consultation for free. [10:58] Marc recommends the Small Business Development Center near Austin, and many places around the country. Listen to Episode 77 to learn more. [11:20] Q2: After years of corporate training, I took time off to raise my daughter. She is graduating HS in two weeks and I am ready to get back to training. A few of my challenges: I haven’t used much of the new technology since 2008; I haven’t spoken in front of an audience or worked since 2009. Not sure where to begin. [11:50] A2: Mark knew the person and went in-depth with them. Some of the technologies haven’t changed a lot, such as Microsoft Office. What has changed is the way you are going to market yourself. Use social media for business. [14:47] Marc has experience with the world of training, until 2011. He suggests looking at all the want ads, and seeing what tools they requesting. Some examples are Captivate, Articulate, Storyline. They could pick one and learn it to gain experience. These are not hard tools if you understand instructional design. [15:34] Then you can start saying, “I’m translating curriculum development online.” Listen to the last episode where Marc interviewed Carol Fishman Cohen who runs iRelaunch. Employers are more interested that you have the fire to learn the new technology than being completely up-to-date on it. You have to stretch yourself. [16:36] Mark reminds the listener that there is marketing and PR to do to get in front of the right eyes, especially if you’ve been out of the market for years. You’ve got to be doing something and displaying some relevancy. Try Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, and other online learning sources. The cost is worth it. [18:59] Q3: I am 65 and I have been an IT consultant/interim CIO for the last 25 years. I want to finish my career as a CIO at a small-to-medium-sized business. I cannot convince people I am worth the risk. I have worked in so many industries that people say I do not have the necessary experience and I get passed over. What should I do? [19:29] A3: Marc told him to reach out to all the people he has consulted for over the years. These are his weak ties. He needs to methodically reconnect with each one and ask, “I’m looking for some advice. What do you think I should do?” Mark suggests narrowing it to one industry where he can demonstrate he has knowledge. [23:51] He needs to update his resume. It shows jobs back to the ‘70s. No one in the technology world cares about anything before 2010. Technology changes every year. Relationships change too. Keep relationships current. Focus on one field. He must be a master of something, at age 65. [27:26] Check back next week, when Marc interviews Agile Careerist Marti Konstant. Mentioned in This Episode: The Voice of Job Seekers Activate Your Agile Career: How Responding to Change Will Inspire Your Life’s Work, by Marti Konstant YouTube Mike O’Krent, Life Stories Alive Repurpose Your Career Episode 7 with Mike O’Krent Home Depot SCORE Joe Harper and the Small Business Development Center Repurpose Your Career Episode 77 with Joe Harper Walmart Captivate Articulate Storyline Repurpose Your Career Episode 80 with Carol Fishman Cohen Udemy LinkedIn Learning Please pick up a copy of Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for the 2nd Half of Life, by Marc Miller and Susan Lahey. The paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats are available now. When you have completed reading the book, Marc would very much appreciate your leaving an honest review on The audio version of the book is available on iTunes app, Audible, and Amazon. Marc has the paid membership community running on the website. The website is in production. Marc is contacting people on the waitlist. Sign up for the waitlist at Marc has four initial cohorts of 10 members in the second half of life and they are guiding him on what to build. He is looking for individuals for the fifth cohort. He’s currently working on LinkedIn, blogging, and book publishing training. Marc is bringing someone in to guide members on how to write a book. The next topic will be business formation and there will be lots of other things. Ask to be put on the waiting list to join a cohort. This is a unique paid membership community where Marc will offer group coaching, special content, mastermind groups, and a community where you can seek help. Show Notes for this episode. Please subscribe at to get updates on all the other happenings at Career Pivot. Marc publishes a blog with Show Notes every Tuesday morning. If you subscribe to the Career Pivots blog, every Sunday you will receive the Career Pivot Insights email, which includes a link to this podcast. Please take a moment â€" go to iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or Spotify through the Spotify app. Give this podcast an honest review and subscribe! If you’re not sure how to leave a review, please go to, and read the detailed instructions there. Email Marc at Contact Marc, and ask questions at You can find Show Notes at To subscribe from an iPhone: To subscribe from an Android: Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

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