Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How Your Resume Looks

How Your Resume Looks It is possible thatyou will have an opportunity to create a first impression prior to being asked to submit your resume, but more likely than not your resume will beyour only chanceat a first impression.How are you going to establish the most awesome, professional and impressive document possible to make yourself stand out from the competition and instila lasting impression that will get you the job interview? How your resume looks is critical because without the job interview there is no job! Your resume; this one, two or three page document, is yourkey to unlocking doors to a successful career. Of course you will need to be prepared to exude confidence and relay your expertise in a job interview but without an exceptional resume with a look thatentices the reader, your chances of unlocking doors to a job interview are limited. Is your resume generating job interviews? If so, depending on your success rate in the interview it is safe to say that multiple joboffers willresult in the ability to negotiate, make choices andensure theadvancement of your career. What we see is highly influential in everyassessment or decisionwe make. So too istheappearance of your resume, your online profile and your physical appearance tothe decisions that will be madeby HR professionalsand recruiters.Credentials, expertise and ability are important but if you dont look good on paper oronline, you wont getthe opportunity tobrag in person at a job interview. Does your professional resume clearly portray you as an accomplished individual? Does it highlight quantifiable accomplishments? Are yourpast positions and accreditationshighlighted?Have you included a variety ofcontact details?Do not includepersonal information on your resume. You may be proud of it and think others should be too but you have only opened the door to discrimination.There is a reason that it is illegal to ask certainquestions on an application or ina job interview. Dont miss out on an opportunity to be interviewed for a job.Contact Martin Buckland, Certified Professional Resume Writer for a free resume critique and and find out how your resume looks to a professionalbefore you send it out.

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